Sunday, July 8, 2007's endo at last...

I had my laps on last 26/6...what must i say about experience?Of course it's much painful but still I'm in pain during my first day. I had to fast from 8.00am on the 26th until I got my very first breakfeast at 10am on the next day. My feelings were mixed, felt relieved that I know the painful menses that I since I was a teenager is my guess is right. Feeling uncertainty as it's sure to decrease my fertility.
So my plan:
1. I have to eat right to tame my hormones.
2. I have to exercise daily...-ouch..when i should sstart with my yoga?
3. I have to lessen the my master is just around the corner. I put on hold about thinking of pursuing Phd till I'm really ready.

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